Pre-Degree Introductions

Prior to each Degree, a member of the Chapter can read each of these excellent short introductions to the Degree to the Candidates. Use of these short summaries should enhance the Candidates’ enjoyment and understanding of the Rituals:

Mark Master Mason

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Virtual Past Master

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Most Excellent Master

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Holy Royal Arch

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Introduction to Capitular Masonry (ICM) Course

This new course is similar to the popular LSOME course in Blue Lodge. Following each Degree, a Facilitator in the Lodge should meet with the Candidates to go through the lesson for that Degree. By the time the course in completed, the new Companion will have both a basic understanding of the Degrees, and an appreciation of how Grand Chapter and the Constitution works, as well as an introduction to the Charities we support.

The ICM course can be downloaded as a PDF and printed out locally by the Facilitator or attendees; or for those who prefer a better quality version for their library, a printed edition is available on priced at $11.

Powerpoint Slides Parts 1 & 2 | Parts 3 & 4

ICM Course

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Chapter Walkabout Program

Following completion of the Royal Arch Degree, the next Chapter meeting should run the Chapter Walkabout Program. This Program introduces the new Companion to the Chapter Officers and explains much of the furniture and symbolism. Similar to the Blue Lodge Walkabout, its intention to familiarize the new Companion with the Chapter, and make him feel comfortable when he attends future meetings.


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Every High Priest should endeavor to put together an interesting Trestleboard for his Chapter. This should include a variety of activities: Degree Ceremonies, Talks (try asking local knowledgeable Companions to give a paper in your Chapter; a Table Chapter; and possibly even an outing or two. Don’t forget to organize at least one event with the ladies during the year.

The following Short Talks are offered to expand the range of options available to a High Priest. Each paper is two pages long, and ends with a series of provocative questions guaranteed to get the debate going after the talk! The High Priest is encouraged to print them out and either read one himself or give it to another Companion to facilitate during the Chapter meeting.

Downloadable PDFs:


Capitular Development Course

The jewel in the crown of our education is the new Capitular Development Course (CDC). This is aimed at those who have been Royal Arch Masons for 6 months or more, and who wish to deepen their understanding of the Degrees through formal education. This course explores the source of the Degrees, their Symbolism and their esoteric meaning.

The CDC may be run in a group by a Facilitator, over 4 sessions. Alternatively, if the Companion cannot find a local course or cannot get around, the CDC may be ordered from the Grand Secretary’s Office and completed as home study. In this case he will send his answers to the multiple choice questions, together with a short paragraph or two to answer the Open Questions at the end of each Chapter, to the Grand Secretary’s Office. Once he has received his paper together with comments, he may begin the next Chapter.

In either case, upon successful completion of the course, all Companions will receive a Certificate of Completion and Pin, which may be worn in Chapter and at any Royal Arch Function.

To go through the course a Companion will need:

  1. A copy of the CDC Workbook.
  2. A copy of the New York Standard Ritual.
  3. A Bible – preferably the one he received in Lodge.

The Facilitator may organize a course, then order the books required from (CDC Workbook) and the Grand Secretary’s Office (Ritual Book), then sell them at the first meeting. Alternatively the Companion may order both himself (details below). There is a cost of $15 to cover administration, and to cover the cost of the Certificate and Pin. Contact your District AGL to see if and when a CDC is being held.

CDC Workbook

This is available in paperback ($18.75 – a 25% discount!) and Kindle ($11.75) formats from Lulu: CLICK HERE.

Ritual Book

Cost: $25 plus S&H. Order from Grand Chapter Office: call Sandy (315-798-4893 or to find out how to order.

Capstone Course

Running a successful Chapter does not happen by accident. The Capstone Course educates senior Officers on how to put together a successful Trestleboard, attract new members and maintain and grow the Chapter. All those about to become High Priest are expected to take this course prior to ascending to the East.

In 2014 a PowerPoint version has been made available (see below) to assist the Moderator in delivering the course. All slides have Notes attached which will facilitate delivery. In 2015 the course will be revised and updated, and brought in line with the new materials available. Ask your District AGL when the next Capstone Course is being run.

Following successful completion of the course, those taking the course will receive a Certificate of Completion from the AGL, signed by the AGL and DDGHP.

Click HERE for the Capstone Power Point Presentation

Capstone Course

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RAM Handbook & Leadership Course Lesson Plan

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An important book for all DDGHPs, AGLs, Education Officers, and High Priests. This book contains over 190 pages of useful materials from this website and more, for use in recruitment, education (including the Short Talks), and extra rituals. Expanded copyright gives any possessor the right to make unlimited copies of any pages, and the spiral binding makes this easy.

Capstone Course

Available in spiral-bound format