Member & Chapter Resources
NOTE: Some of these resources are only available to members and leadership. To obtain a password, contact the Grand Secretary’s Office.
The "3 X 3 Plan"
Recruitment – Retention – Participation/involvement
Zerubbabel Society – 100% Participation from all Chapters – Fundraising programs/activities by individual Chapters
Certification/recertification of Chapters – Exemplification of Degrees – Educational programs

Grand Chapter Store
All Companions are also encouraged to visit our online store, where there is a shop offering all manner of branded attire, a proportion of the revenue going to our charities. The selection is simply amazing – and the prices very reasonable. You can shop by type of apparel or by name brand. You can choose form a vast range of sizes, colors and quality. There are hats, bags, shirts, towels, fleece, golfing products, sweatshirts and more…
One of the benefits of shopping is that the shipping price is the same however much you purchase. So it makes more sense to buy in bulk, or collect orders from a group of Companions and put in a single order. Keep visiting the site: there are often sales, and the line of goods is expanding all the time.