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Bible Extra QualityNEWS FLASH: George Washington Inaugural Bible to be used to Obligate incoming Grand High Priest!

By kind permission of St. John’s Lodge No. 1, A.Y.M. and in compliance with its Bylaws, R∴E∴ Piers A. Vaughan will be sworn in as the next Grand High Priest on the Bible used by George Washington for his oath as First President (subject to his election). It is believed this is the first time this Bible has been used for such an occasion.

Grand High Priest, M∴ E∴ Richard J. Kessler

Grand High Priest, M∴ E∴ Richard J. Kessler

It has been said that “The Royal Arch stands as the rainbow of promise in the Ritual; it stands as the promise of the resurrection; of that which was lost and that which shall be recovered.”

The value of Royal Arch Masonry will be justly appreciated by all who are Exalted to that Most Sublime Degree, particularly by those who are seeking to complete their Masonic education. It reveals the full light of Ancient Craft masonry, presents it as a complete system in accordance with the original plan and confers at last the rights and light of a Master Mason in fact as well as in name. It truly leads to a fuller understanding of the purposes and spirit of Freemasonry, for standing upon this towering summit we are able for the first time to perceive the completeness of the Ancient Craft and to understand how all its forms and ceremonies, from the Entered Apprentice to the Master Mason’s Degree, are the preparation for the final goal, the Most Sublime Degree of Royal Arch Mason.

Our membership consists only of those who have been regularly initiated, passed and raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in a just and duly constituted Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons who are properly vouched for, in good standing in their respective Lodges and in the community in which they reside.

We would have all such receive the light and instruction which can be communicated only in the Royal Arch Degree. Any Royal Arch Mason can give full information on how to proceed to that end.